Driving can sometimes become so second nature, that we can get to work each day, all without realising that we’ve driven there. The controls become ingrained in us, as we go from A to B without giving it a second thought. Sometimes, this can be good as it means you’re a safe driver and have confidence behind the wheel, but it’s also easy to get stuck in our ways which can lead to forming bad habits.
Or, it might be that you’ve lost your driving confidence over the years by doing the same drive over and over again - as it can become easy to get used to the same roads. This is where Track Days come in.
Not only are they a day of fun and thrills, but they can seriously improve your driving by forcing you outside of your comfort zone as you experience a range of different driving conditions. If you want to try something new, or want to get out of a driving rut, here’s how booking a Track Day could elevate your driving skills.
It may be that your only experience of driving is doing the same route every day. Although you may be confident, if you only drive on routes you know with certain speed limits and road conditions, you may never understand the full potential of your car.
On a typical Track Day for cars or bikes, you can really put your vehicle to the test in a safe and controlled environment. Regardless of what circuit you drive on across the country, each session gives you the opportunity to put your car or bike through its paces and will leave you feeling more confident on your usual roads afterwards, as you will have a full understanding of the capabilities of your vehicle.
On the other hand, simply driving in a new set of conditions in a new place can force you out of your comfort zone and can give you skills to use throughout your driving life. If you’re feeling inspired, you can read our Track Day Guide to find out more about how the day pans out and what to expect.
Day to day driving often doesn’t involve a huge amount of sudden braking at high speeds - or it shouldn’t. Although there are occasions on the roads where you need to carry out an emergency stop, or brake suddenly and respond to road conditions, it will be rare that you have the safe opportunity to practice a technique such as threshold braking, a form of braking using the maximum force without locking the wheels.
As well as this, on a Track Day, you have the opportunity to practice other styles of braking, possibly at higher speeds than you’re used to. This may include trail braking - which is lightened, yet continued braking when you are turning into a corner. Or even mastering cornering techniques with your own car or bike. You might even learn a thing or two about your car's ABS (Anti-Lock Braking System) and how it can be adapted on when a driver commits to braking before a corner - and it can also help protect tires from excessive wear.
Learning these tricks on a Track Day with instructors in a safe setting without traffic to worry about, can provide you with the skills of smoother, controlled braking which can be used out on the road.
As far as driving skills are concerned, steering is often overlooked, but plays a vital role in keeping you safe, whatever roads you are on. Although you may think it’s second nature, going on a Car or Bike Track Day can help you fine-tune this as you are exposed to perfect it in new conditions.
Travelling at high speeds, on tight corners and putting your vehicle through its paces will mean your steering is put to the test. As you experience tight corners on the track, you will learn to adapt your steering so it’s smooth and safe, rather than jerky and unstable. Out on the track, you’ll likely experience how your steering inputs affect understeer (when the front wheels lose grip) and oversteer (when the rear wheels lose grip) so practising correcting these but adjusting will provide you with a wealth of skills for real life driving.
Whether you have years of experience under your belt, want to return to this high performance style of driving, or have lost your confidence over the years, a Track Day is bound to elevate your driving in new ways. To make a booking, you can check our live Car and Bike Track Day availability or sign up for our Track Days Newsletter to get available dates delivered straight to your inbox.