Potty to Prague Wacky Rally Event - News
Trackdays are entering a Car into the 2011 Potty to Prague Wacky Rally! The event is a 1600 mile round trip rally event from the UK to Prague in a Car that we have bought for no more than £300. We will be representing the charity BEN and hope to raise a lot of money for them as well as have some great fun.
Details of the event and our progress can be viewed on our team page
We would be very grateful if you were able to sponsor us and you can do this via our Virgin Money Giving page
The Car is now all sprayed with just the event stickers and sponsorship banners to go on. As you can see it pretty mad and all thanks to an amazing graffiti artist who goes by the alias of Airborne Mark who came down to Essex to help me out.
Day 1 - Essex to Lille, France - 1st September
Got lost in lille for 2 hours and got in trouble with police for jay walkin! Car is causing a lot of attention. About to head to the bar to meet the other drivers. Rally starts at 7am tomorrow.